Our Video Archives feature an expanding catalog of noir-related video, ranging from exclusive interviews, to festival guest appearances, to short films inspired by film noir.
Did you know that The Film Noir Foundation regularly livestreams on our Facebook page in which Eddie Muller answers questions submitted by our email subscribers? The latest ASK EDDIE broadcast on Facebook March 13 and on YouTube the following day. Join our mailing list to submit your questions and get updates on upcoming ASK EDDIE broadcasts.
The one and only Bob Dylan speaks about noir and one of noir's darkest literary inspirations, Cornell Wolrich. » PLAY
Listen to a fabulous BBC Radio program exploring a little-known facet of noir icon Robert Mitchum — his poetry. This 30-minute program features an amazing array of interviews, including producer Stanley Rubin and FNF president Eddie Muller, as well as some astounding archival recordings of Mitchum himself. » PLAY
On stage with Eddie Muller at the opening night of the January 2006 NOIR CITY, following a sold-out showing of Strangers on a Train, Farley Granger talks about working with Hitchcock in this excerpt from the interview.
Can you help the Film Noir Foundation track down 35mm prints or elements from this "Most Wanted" list of missing noir films?
The vivid co-mingling of lost innocence, doomed romanticism, hard-edged cynicism, desperate desire, and shadowy sexuality unleashed in those immediate post-war years proved hugely influential, both among industry peers in the original era, and to future generations of storytellers, both literary and cinematic” »READ
Alan Rode, senior staff writer for Filmmonthly sat down with Film NoirFoundation president Eddie Muller in late 2005 to discuss the mission and progress of the newly-formed non-profit corporation. The “Czar of Noir” was clearly in an ebullient mood over the success of his two 2005 noir film festivals and recent events concerning the Film Noir Foundation. »READ
The Foundation posts the most interesting correspondence it receives from around the world, with an emphasis on how noir films have shaped and affected the lives of viewers. Go here to view selections from the Mailbox as well as submit your own message.
East Bay Express chief film reviewer Kelly Vance joins NOIR TALK producer/host Haggai Elitzur to chat about our website's "Now Playing" area, a guide to noir-tinged movie and streaming news. (You can also enjoy Kelly's films reviews in NOIR CITY e-magazine.)
The pair also discuss a number of recent classic film noir releases on Blu-ray from specialty outlets like KL Studio Classics, Olive Films, VCI, ClassicFlix, Cohen Film Collection, Twilight Time, and Warner Archive. Flicker Alley's fully loaded dual Blu-ray/DVD editions of the FNF-funded restorations of Too Late for Tears (1949), Woman on the Run (1950), and The Man who Cheated Himself (1950) are included in the conversation. You can listen either on SoundCloud or on iTunes.
1947 Project - documenting the offbeat and criminal history of 1947 Los Angeles
Affiches Françaises du film noir américain - Film noir posters exhibit (en francais)
Alan K. Rode's One Way Street - Writer, historian, film programmer
Bernard Herrmann Society - dedicated to the work of Hitchcock's favorite composer, Bernard Herrmann
Dangerous Man - dedicated to Dangerous Man, a series of animated shorts parodying film noir
Dark City: Film Noir & Fiction
Der Film Noir (Deutsch)
Film Noir Blog (Czech)
Jonah Samson - Noir miniatures from the Vancouver artist, collector, blogger, family doctor.
Mordlust.de - noir literature, noir and neo-noir film (deutsch)
Noir City - complete coverage of the Film Noir festival, merchandise and morez
Noir of the Week - Steve-O's blog features weekly explorations of film noir.
Out of the Past — Investigating Film Noir - podcasts of interviews and discussions led by Clute and Edwards
Rara-Avis - discussion board of noir & hard-boiled writing
The Blackboard - noir discussion board
The Teagarden/Nash Collection - extensive film image collection of stills, lobby cards and posters
Transatlantic Habit - writings on film noir from Marc Svetov, frequent contributor to the NOIR CITY Sentinel.